quinta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2011

Pay attention to it ... I discovered that ...

The first wives club and Never Been Kissed are antitheses. In Brazil these movies are translated as O clube das desquitadas and Nunca fui beijada. Who has never attended one of two that give the first kiss! Well, the first movie shows the reality of love that has ended after the woman has her beautiful forty years, showing a simple and funny at the same devaluation faced with a new love affair faced by ex-husband. More or less the story of that old cow and replaced by new cow and stopped ... you do not know this story? Well, let me explain in another post. The second film deals so mediocre and even teenage love, with luxury, however, fictitious and boring. Forms part of the presentation, the two films have in common the approach and disagreements caused by this unattainable causative agent: love. Yeah, we know that loving you all know, however, not everyone can and most times you try, but there is some success. Do humans know how to truly love? Just as angels have two wings to fly, men need a supplement, someone to teach you to love. Freud wrote: "We need to learn to love not getting sick." What would life be without love? And what would we, mortal beings, who do not know if you want to measure their actions? Ask a love the reason that brings you happiness day after day, questioning a teenager about what makes you lose sleep to get into your diary, interrogate the couples walking hand in hand through the streets, ask the elderly what motivates you to wake up smiling every morning, in any situation you will have the following answer: love, sometimes, being loved, but love is in full ... 
            So I ask you: what is love? Can you understand the complexity of the issue? Better yet, you can measure the importance with which this issue should be treated? Gee, does anyone read me? 
            Love makes us turn upside down, walking in circles, losing all sense of reality, feeling lonely in a crowd around us. It is love that gives us happiness, and encourages us to the point of being able to climb the highest mountain to scream several times the phrase "I love you." 
            You know, I am a very skeptical, but I believe very much in love despite not knowing how to define it, and I also believe that someone up there still looks to us that they only see white clouds in a blue immensity. I can not say that I pray the right way, but the way I learned I pray because I know that somewhere there is someone who listens to me. Today I heard on the radio that: "While there is a passionate person and one who lets himself fall in love there is hope in the world." I do not believe in many things, but I believe it. I believe in love, so I ask the lovers on duty that do not let them astray life, for love is only one way, and this is like a rose, sometimes have thorns.

segunda-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2011

I discovered what some think, but prefer not to comment ...

It's hard to love, is not it? Confess that it is not an easy task ... I know, love is not easy to suffer for love is harder still, but that's life huh ... 

            We found that marriages are fading into separations that bring pain to their spouses and their children, not counting those relatives you have become accustomed. You know those? The nephew who takes you to watch the game from your favorite football team, the goddaughter it takes to ride a bicycle in the park, the brother who leaves for a beer once in a while, the mother who brings you a cup of tea when sick, finally, that the other corner of the family that makes you feel at home. Complicated is not it? What about the children that in a weekend are with the father and the others are with their mother? Or rather, that in a weekend are with the father and his new girlfriend and the next are the mother and her collection of paper towels and buckets of tears? Painful for a child, huh? 
            Now you tell me: everyone has the right to be happy as you want and you can not insist on something that has no solution. 
            Are these are sufficient reasons to abandon a baby? A family? Children? Home? 
            All this you can build again. It may even, but will never repair what was left behind. 
            What is man to decide the expiration date of a baby? What rights does the human being to give an end to relationships that judges did not work out why the two parties disagree on the favorite dessert or dislike of that television channel? What love is this that judge feels unable to bear details of the personality of each? 
            Wives, his love is unable to withstand the mania that he has to leave the wet towel on the bed? 
            Husbands, love is unable to stand being next to her during the forty-five minutes or one hour of the novel? 
            I know I have no right to tell them these things, but I say this as a child, for I am the daughter of parents who let pride exterminate your love. Therefore, I tell you that "the defects of people we can not serve as an obstacle, but rather steps that make us mature in our journey of love." 
The road is long, but start all over again is too painful ...

You know that story you tell to your friends?

The one where you claim to be easier to manage the loneliness of a new relationship? You know? You can look in the mirror and tell yourself that bullshit? While you try to convince yourself that this is true, his friends pretend to believe you're right. 
            Being alone is wonderful when you want to go to a football stadium screaming unload some energy and when you want to go to a party night with friends for flirting with girls, several girls when you send messages by phone or call in to you and you do not flirt you want someone to be charging these feats later, when you're not to do anything and spend Sunday afternoon on the couch watching the shot Ronald Regan, when you take the car and go to the coast to unwind head if something roll will be left with a clear conscience, after all, even alone. Lazy huh? 
            Being alone is destructive when all his friends invite you to watch movie on one of their houses and all are monitored and when the family gathers and even your cousin bag has someone to cuddle, when Valentine's night and the whole family will to celebrate a pizza, when his ex-girlfriend going on the other side of the street trading baby kisses love with a loser, when you leave the cinema filmão that you were crazy to watch, when you receive the invitation for the wedding of his best friend and you is one of the sponsors, but who is your match? 
            Tell me, loneliness is even easier to manage? 
            I'm not saying this so that if you run out and shoot in front of the first car to pass or play in dating the first person to appear on your frente.Digo that, because love is something so wonderful that we can not deprive us of felt it. Love does wonders in the lives of anyone and you are no different from anyone to let you try it. Love has problems, it would be unusual if there were no problems, so it gives you that chance: be happy and make life worth living for someone ... only love!

sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011

I found...

That for every rule there is an exception. The exception in this case I do not know, but the rule was this: "Never get involved with people who just leave a relationship." 

According to the bad language "the pain of love is with love that heals us," perhaps it anyway, or simply, is that moment where we got lost and somehow somewhere someone meet us and us by the hand. In a way, that person knows what we need, what we hear, and what will make us feel better. It's as if our souls in an instant they met, and the moment seemed lost in the eternity of loneliness decades or centuries of an empty euphoria in which I deceived himself that the way things were going was good, but nothing could be better than the instant that we would not stop, that the second fragment which perpetuates in our mind, second in which our feet would not touch the ground, and our souls would be lost in the immensity of moments that were and always will be stored and recalled all next time where they could sight it looks, the same lips touch, they exchanged caresses hands, and finally, every night the feeling of empty bed became vivid those memories would forever link the not so distant.

sexta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2011

I discovered that...

often, and especially girls, idealize the loved and capable of madness in love, although this is forbidden, which makes it more interesting.
            There are at least a day in life, you wake up with bird song, a smile that reflects and despite the heavy rain can see a beautiful sunset. Congratulations, you're more a part of the love boat and sinking in a sea of disappointment or not. Currently, it is considered late, that they never tasted the effects of a real passion.
Is not it true?
            For some girls, there is a moment in life when the beloved is the only person in the world, but nobody understands that. Sometimes even he believes, because it prefers hanging out with friends to be with you talking about your cabin in the mountains, his Pajero SUV, its garden, its employees and their children. Children?!
            On the other hand, there are girls who do not know what to do when they are with the loved one. Like him but not know how to show fearing excessive and to help them he always refuses to go out with friends to stay with her weaving plans for the future. And children? Not thinking about something like that.

Pathetic is not it?
            That will only receive the necessary attention when he feels overwhelmed and gives you a foot in the rear or believe that is not being reciprocated and find better put an end to everything.

Anyway, one day these two groups of girls will meet in a supermarket with a basket full of tissues, reach the conclusion that men do not pay and to end their anguish, they will make a covenant of eternal loneliness with the inner desire to that eternity is not as long so.

I discovered that ...

... People just do not want to feel alone. I found that they invent the weird activities on Saturday night to that loneliness is shared even with fellow course. I found that the illusion of being really is utopia, why nobody really is or just is. I found that everyone has weaknesses and does not deal with them will not make it go away, but rather accumulate. I also discovered that all marriages have problems, and that all problems have solutions, just do not have a solution that marriages have problems unsolved, that is, marriages where couples do not want to seek a solution. I also found out that all solutions to these problems there is a major factor, one that causes reactions, inhibit controversial actions, listen, advise and love when plausible when it is necessary to make the person feel loved, in this case, I am.
I am the person who is present when the tears roll, when the screams are the only way to listen to someone, that's how the first contact from the phonebook and the last call made on the phone, one that takes the children and seek, and when you need go on the market faces the queue, and when the bank card lock speak to the manager, assistant manager, deputy and such.
In a city of 40,000 inhabitants have 5 school of computer science and technical education. Some people are trained to teach vice century: information technology.
People no longer live without communicating via the Internet.
I mean, between a hug and another there is one minute in the eyes run to the computer screen to see if someone is calling attention to MSN or any other comment you have entered on Orkut, or even a new tweet.
I decided to enter, because writing was done before the computer, a remote time where the letters were anxiously awaited, and today you have a doll holding a tray with an envelope on top saying: "A new message." And the messages spread, saw spam and bulk mail, copies and copies of copies that someone did and another human being forwarded and re-forwarded, and so on.
It is intriguing and overwhelming atmosphere of the home. People move like ants gathering food for the winter. It's a battalion that heads to a single goal: to buy gifts. Wait a few laptops, plasma tvs others expect and fever are the i phones and wi fi and all this paraphernalia that moves the world trade. The meaning of Christmas? The love of neighbor? Jesus Christ? Ascension? Resurrection? Whatever the "n" matches only a single word that moves this season: big present. And the kids want, young people want, they want the adults, the elderly want, and woe that comes with it's souvenir, you better bring it along with a sail of seven days because the prayer will be angry.